
Dr. Vibha Manoj Sharma


(Collection of poems and short stories)

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Publishing Process Manager: Dr M Kishore
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First published: May 2017
Printed in India

ISBN: 978-81-933904-0-5

Price: ₹ 200 (India only)
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               It is easy to tell that a child has born at 9.30A.M., but very difficult to say that a poet has born at that particular time. As far as I have made this manuscript, it is due to the newly born inspiration, my daughter –‘Sansriti’. It is not like that I had not written poems earlier but the flow of poetry became spontaneous when I observed that mystical and lovely estrangement in Sansriti’s 40 days face_as if that had suddenly brightened up with the divine. Due to the grace of God in March 1997, I saw the miracle that my 40 days daughter started talking to me as a mature child. It was unbelievable for my hubby and me; he also shared the instance as he was listening with me when she spoke the very first day. After that I failed to think anything worldly; I thanked God for such a brilliant child and since then I started believing in God every minute. In this regard my present poetry book is full of dedication to God and his creation; it illustrates sections through colourful drawings.


               The book includes the poems and stories, out of those Zeitgeist for peace, The Nexus—a Relation, To Akriti (figure), Indian Air, Lady in Draught, Preserve our Family, Some thing, Enchanting belle of basilica are some of the poems of my liking. These are lovely in some or the other way. The book covers three published poems in the college magazine - Colors in Kargil, Indian Air, and Kair College Women. The poems are thematically arranged to present peace, country and God, and some other to women, gender and civilization; if some to human behaviour, other to nature and mysticism etc., Battle of Sexes is a unique poem in itself; its title has been derived from Swift’s Battle of Books; dedicated to the time not to show good or bad and new or old, but no highlight confrontation and compromise of genders’ heresy. Further, the formatting and influences can be varied but the poetry is anew and original work of art.


               As far as the first story is concerned, it is about the agar experiences of life in India. Our India is resourceful country in all forms of arts and magic; but she has some akin weak issues also to solve with logical thinking. So, there much to ponder over in difficult situations; and also to think about the different minor arts those can be developed as professions for unemployed people. These are the types of responsibilities that Indian educated citizen are expected to do for the betterment of unprivileged and downtrodden. Hence, the story highlights serious issue; rest the book is my full devotion to Sansriti…

               In the end Aloevera, another story is added in the Faulkner’s style to enhance the interest of the global reader.


About the Author


Dr. Vibha Manoj sharma is an Assistant professor in the department of English in Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi.  She has been teaching English to the graduation and post-graduation classes since 1993 and in Delhi University since 1999. She has been conferred Doctorate degree for her research work on William Faulkner, American Nobel Laureate.



About the Author



1.      Zeitgeist for peace


2.      Sansriti (My World)


3.      The Forte (high voice)


4.      The Nexus—a Relation


5.      To Akriti (figure)


6.      To Dr Sahib


7.      Kair College Women


8.      Red Roses


9.      Colors in Kargil


10.  Indian Air


11.  Attack On Civilization


12.  Preserve our Family


13.  Come Back Childhood


14.  Hubby


15.  A Beggar


16.  Slums


17.  Distribution of Roles


18.  Lady in Draught


19.  Dacoit


20.  Plus


21.  Nature


22.  Something


23.  From Birth to Bier


24.  Truth


25.  Rainy Morning


26.  Ascription


27.  Peacocks Stop Dancing


28.  Enchanting Belle of Basilica


29.  Sun And Moon


30.  Earth


31.  The Battle of Sexes


Short stories

1.      Impression within Two Minutes


2.      Aleovera




No of Pages: 79

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